What are the best methods to increase password security?

Creating strong passwords for your online accounts can seem like a tricky and time-taking task. But it doesn't have to be. By creating stronger passwords, you can benefit from improved online security and increased protection from various risks of cyber threats.


creating a password


Below we have listed ideas on how to create stronger but memorable passwords. Try and test each method to see which is the best match.


But first, what makes strong passwords?


  • Try not to re-use the same password across different online accounts
  • Use at least 8 characters in your password
  • Combine random words with a mix of symbols, characters, and numbers.


Now, you might think that a strong password is difficult to create and remember, but with the following tips, you could find it less complex and even fun alongside the brainstorming of your options.


1. Choose 4 random words 


One of the easiest methods to improve your password strength is to combine 2-4 random words in your new password. As long as you use at least 8 characters in length and the words don’t make a common sentence (such as “MyNameIsTom”), then you have good strength in your password.

Examples that can help you create a strong password and easy to remember:


  • SnowSunshineSummerScarf (words that are related to seasons in a year)
  • AnnaBarbaraCindyDamian (names in alphabetic order)
  • BristolDriveStarbucksMorning (words that summarise your morning routine)


password security


2. Make use of your keyboard


Using patterns of keyboard keys can be a great option to make your password strong if you are better at memorising sequences. But make sure you don’t use anything common such as "qwertyuiop" or "1234567890". Think of a sequence that is easy to memorise but combined with numbers and letters. Alternatively, your password could use the keys placed above or below the letters of your chosen password, for example:


  • From “MondayTuesday” you can create: “K0jrw768eray”
  • “ILoveLondon”, you can create: “9P0g4P0jr0j!


It may look confusing to type at first, but with some practice, it will shortly become natural to task. Create your own rule for choosing how you want to move your keys, such as using letters to the left or right of your chosen words. Keep in mind, that if you travelling to different countries, some keyboard keys are placed differently, especially currency symbols and the "@" key.


3. Use an entire phrase to create a strong password


If combining random words, or using keyboard sequences aren’t working for you, how about a phrase instead?

You don’t need to add symbols or numbers (unless required) – the simplest way to create a strong password is to make it longer.


The following examples:


  • I’mAlwaysRunningLateForMyYogaClass
  • IeatSamonWithVegEveryThursday
  • There are 250 houses on my estate


Choose whatever suits you the most. Use spaces between the words or without, if the website accepts your password.


Creating secure passwords online


4. Deliberately misspell words


Intentionally misspelling words can also improve the security of your passwords, as long as you get to remember to use this method! Try misspelling words that are easy for you to remember or even try passwords that you used before.


  • Reseparated
  • ILykePeperonnyPizza
  • BabbleTrabbleDabble


Try to avoid substituting similar-looking letters (e.g., “o” for “0”, or “1” for “!”). The resulting password might look secure, but for hackers, it can be a very easy password to break.


These are examples of not secure passwords:


  • P@$$w0rd123
  • L3tM31n
  • M@nch3st3rUtd!


Hackers know about the commonly used letter substitutions and test them all the time with other variations.


On the other hand, we have a few ideas for your current passwords that you want to keep using but are concerned that it's not strong enough. 

5. Repeat the password 


If your password is short, one of the great methods to make it look longer is to simply repeat your password. So, if your password is:


  • “Barcelona2022” you can make it much longer using “Barcelona2022Barcelona2022”.


6. Turn it into an email address


That is quite an unusual method but works perfectly, making it a strong password.

To make it even harder to break, you can use your old email address or use the name of a place you usually purchase your groceries from, for example:


  • Barcelona2022@hotmail.co.uk
  • Veg&FruitFrom@tesco


Password security at work

7. Add spaces and brackets to create a strong password


Did you know that spaces and brackets are often (but not always) valid characters in passwords? This method isn't very popular which makes it even better to apply.

You can play with your current password and split it into chunks of letters, changing to a capital letter at the front of each part of a split part, for example:


  • From “Barcelona2022” to “Bar Cel Ona 2 022”
  • From “HelloMonday” to “[Hello]Mon{day}


Adding spaces and brackets will make your password longer, stronger and you still got to use your current password.


8. Add a random word


Another way of tweaking your current password is adding a random word; the more unrelated, the better. For an extra layer of protection, you can deliberately misspell your added word. For example:


  • Barcelona2022Headfones
  • HelloMondayOrang3


Once you are happy with a chosen method, try to make it unique across your online accounts. Try not to spend a lot of your time improving your password strength. As you can see, even adding a space or a random, misspelt word can maximise the strength of your password and make it easy to remember!


If the above ideas are not working for you, why not consider using a choice of password manager tools instead? These digital applications store and remember your passwords, even with an automatic option to logins you into your accounts. Our IT experts recommend using a password manager system such as LastPass that helps you generate and store all your passwords, and automatic logins and even share authorised passwords with your colleagues. Password managers are very secure and convenient applications you can use at work or at home. Therefore, give it a try, or let us know if we can help with other online security-related concerns, from cyber security, and antimalware software to disaster recovery solutions.


good passwords


Need more advice?


If you have any questions about passwords, online security or Cybersecurity level in your business, contact one of our friendly team of IT specialists. We can provide you with the most suitable and cost-effective options, tailored to your unique business requirements. 

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